A modern and innovative urban Police Service rooted in community and its people

April 22, 2021
SPS News Release

In a recent report submitted to the Surrey Police Board, Chief Norm Lipinski outlined a summary of the hiring of officers to date and a plan for recruiting new officers in the coming months.

Chief Lipinski states, “SPS continues to hire the staff that will be required to put the necessary plans and infrastructure in place for anticipated deployment in Fall 2021 and beyond.”

To date, SPS recent hires include:

  • 3 Superintendents – all in place
  • 10 Inspectors – all in place
  • 7 Staff Sergeants – start dates April/May
  • 4 Sergeants – start dates April/May

“Hiring of these officers takes into consideration the work that is required to accomplish our priorities over the next several months, says Chief Lipinski “This work includes recruiting, training, onboarding, research, planning, stakeholder engagement, policy development, systems planning, development and testing, logistics planning, partnerships and inter bureau planning and transitioning activities.”

Surrey Police Service is looking for service-driven, experienced police officers and new recruits from all cultures and communities to help establish and run a police service that places high value on relationships and modern police practices that will support the fast-growing and diverse community of Surrey. Based on the hiring and deployment plan, SPS has provided a request to the Justice Institute of BC, Police Academy, for 26 recruit training positions over the three courses scheduled to run in 2022:

  • 6 seats in January;
  • 10 seats in May; and
  • 10 seats in September.

To assist those considering a career with Surrey Police Service, the department is hosting a series of Information Sessions, for experienced police officers and those hoping to embark on a career in policing, to share our values, outline our priorities, and provide updates on timelines, deployment plans and our commitment to employees.

“We are looking for people who want to be a part of a modern and innovative urban Police Service, rooted in community and its people,” Chief Lipinski adds.

The first Information Session will take place (virtually) on May 13, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. More information will be made available through our website and social media channels (@surreyps on Twitter and Surrey Police Service on Facebook) on May 1, 2021.

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Surrey Police Service Media
