Surrey Police Service's (SPS) Procurement and Asset Management Unit (PAMU) leads the acquisition of goods and service on behalf of SPS. PAMU is committed to providing professional expertise in procurement, risk management, and supply chain management for all of SPS. 

We stand by our commitment to ensure that all acquisitions are conducted in the appropriate manner as per SPS policy 8.3 Acquisitions of Goods and Services, and apply the following procurement principles to everything we do:

  • Fairness and transparency
  • Financial oversight and management
  • Risk management
  • Integrity
  • Social impact and sustainability

Procurement policies and procedures

In accordance with SPS’s procurement policy (Policy AD 8.3), all acquisitions greater than $75,000 are posted publicly unless specific exemptions or criteria set out in the Policy are met. For purchases under $75,000, SPS may request quotes directly from a minimum of three vendors. 

A formal process, including Purchase Orders (unless requested by the supplier), are not required for purchases of less than $10,000. In addition, an SPS purchase card may be used for those purchases. 

Current bid opportunities

SPS is committed to promoting purchasing methods and contract awards that encourage open competitive bidding processes.

Public bid opportunities (including any addenda, amendments, and additional information) can be accessed via BC Bid. It is the sole responsibility of suppliers to monitor BC Bid and check for updates.

Review the latest SPS opportunities:

Supplier documentation

Suppliers doing business with SPS for the first time must fill out our Supplier Set-up form.


General terms and conditions

SPS has established general contract terms to apply for many acquisitions - General Terms and Conditions of SPS Purchase Orders. These terms will be incorporated by reference into our Purchase Orders.


Surplus goods disposal

PAMU is also responsible for the disposal of surplus materials and equipment. For items that cannot be re-used within SPS, SPS will sell those goods through public auction. Currently, SPS uses the services of Able Auctions for sale of surplus goods. For information on auction dates and times, visit their website.

Co-operative purchasing groups

SPS participates in procurements conducted by the following cooperative purchasing groups:

  • British Columbia Municipal Police Co-operative Purchasing Group
  • BC Government Corporate Supply Arrangement
  • Canoe Procurement

Unsolicited proposals and sales calls

Like other public bodies, SPS acquires goods and services through a structured process and therefore will not respond to unsolicited requests to share product or service information. Suppliers should not directly contact SPS employees to market their goods or services or to seek out opportunities. If SPS does have an interest in your products or services, or if SPS wishes to pursue discussions with you, SPS, through PAMU, will initiate those communications in compliance with our corporate policies, procedures and practices. 

Existing suppliers are reminded to maintain and limit their communications with respect to their product offerings to their designated SPS representative or, in the absence of a designated representative, to the Procurement and Asset Manager.

SPS recommends suppliers keep apprised of our current needs and requirements by referring to the BC Bid website for current opportunities.


Unless otherwise set out in the contract with suppliers, invoices should be sent electronically to our Financial Services Section. At a minimum, invoices should include the purchase order number or agreement number (as applicable), as well as the SPS representative’s name and location/method for payment.

Procurement and Asset Management

Richard Kwai, SCMP, CSCP
Procurement and Asset Manager